
Fangirl Life, Uncategorized

Disneybounding for a Week

I've been a fan of Disneybounding for a long time, but I don't actually do it that often. So, I decided to Disneybound every day for a week! I did a post a while ago called the Disneybound Tag, which was a lot of fun. I'm not going to do use a lot of the… Continue reading Disneybounding for a Week


Dear Universe

I saw a screenshot of a Tumblr post a while ago. Someone had written a note to the universe, telling it what it did a good job on. Someone else had managed to change their original post, so the original poster decided to add onto it. I loved the sentiment of the posts. It made… Continue reading Dear Universe

Fangirl Life, Uncategorized

Playlist Picks: June & July

This is a new series I wanted to start doing every month, I hope you enjoy! I am a huge music person. I listen to music any time I can, I am always singing and I am convinced I am going to be great at playing the ukulele (one day). So, I thought I'd share… Continue reading Playlist Picks: June & July

Fangirl Life, Uncategorized

Let People Enjoy Things

A short post today, but I hope the topic is interesting enough! I want to talk about stan culture. In particular, Kpop stan twitter. Now, I feel like I'm sort of a part of Kpop stan twitter, just not as hardcore or dedicated as others. Everything I'm going to talk about is the things that… Continue reading Let People Enjoy Things

Fangirl Life, Uncategorized

The King of Parallel Worlds

(photo source: (post will have spoilers, continue at your own risk!) The King: Eternal Monarch is a Kdrama that came out this year, which you can watch on Netflix, and I have heard mixed opinions about it. The Nam bros, for instance, did not commit (listen to their podcast "Commit or Quit"). The IMDb… Continue reading The King of Parallel Worlds

Social Commentary, Uncategorized

Beauty. (quarantine edition)

Photo source:  Beauty. A while ago I did a post about beauty, and I thought it would be an interesting time to revisit that topic. We all know that beauty, and beauty standards, change with the times. But, how does beauty change with quarantine and social distancing? How does beauty change when we no… Continue reading Beauty. (quarantine edition)

Social Commentary, Uncategorized

It’s not ALL Lives Matter.

(Featured Image:  So, unless you've been living under a rock in the middle of the ocean, you've probably heard about the murder of George Floyd. Even this post is late in internet time. However, this post is not about George Floyd, not entirely. The murder of George Floyd sparked a resurfacing of #BlackLivesMatter in… Continue reading It’s not ALL Lives Matter.

Social Commentary, Uncategorized

Impostor Syndrome

(Fun fact, can also be spelled "imposter") Impostor Syndrome; the persistent inability to believe that one's success is deserved or has been legitimately achieved as a result of one's own efforts or skills. Despite all external evidence, those with impostor syndrome do not believe they deserve the success they have. They often brush it off… Continue reading Impostor Syndrome