
Hello and welcome to my about page! I’m glad to make your acquaintance, my name is Becca and I hope you’re doing well!

Now, about me, I just recently finished my university career studying sociology! It’s crazy to be done, but I can’t wait to see where the rest of life takes me. I’m a total fangirl (and proud of it!) and an amateur photographer.

In my spare time, I enjoy watching Netflix and YouTube. I am also known to break out into song at nearly any given moment. Photography, DIYs, and other crafty pastimes are also favourites of mine.

I like to believe I am open-minded. I believe everyone should be equal, and nobody should be discriminated against based on their skin, sexuality, gender, religious affiliation, or anything else.

My blog is kind of a conglomeration of all the things I enjoy, so if you like what you see give me follow! Also, if you’re interested, you can check out my photography portfolio here!

Everyone is welcome here, and I do hope you enjoy my blog!




All the photos on my posts are edited and/or taken by me.